Calculation of P-Delta Effect

The program was developed from FRAME2D (download) and used to consider p-delta effect on pile foundation or column problems.


Beam On Elastic Foundation (Preview)

Beam loaded on elastic foundation (BOF) is a theory that is often used in force - displacement prediction for analysis of structure that interacts directly with the ground. Elastic foundation is an approach to soil behavior as a collection of linear elastic springs, independent and one with another are unrelated (Winkler soil). This theory is often solved using numerical methods, especially by finite element method (FEM).

Laterally Loaded Pile (Preview)

Theory of beam on elastic foundation can also be applied for the analysis of structures subjected to lateral loads. Here, BOF program was slightly modified in which the orientation of the beam is now perpendicular to X-axis, and the external forces - displacements can be set whether lead to positive or negative axis. Load on nodes profile also to be displayed for a quick verification on inputted pressure magnitudes at both elements ends. The program for solution of laterally loaded structure is named XLAT.

AutoCAD Script Files

What is an AutoCAD script file?

To graphically depict outputs of a program, alternatively, you can plot the outputs in AutoCAD software instead of using Excel chart. Here, you can work further with charts drawing with either a 2D or 3D model. The main advantage of AutoCAD is because this software is specifically built for composing drawings.

Matrix Analysis for Pile Groups

Well, this is the first computer program that I made! It was originally written in BASIC programming language (via QuickBASIC) and created as a supporting program for my BSc thesis. Later on, it was written with Excel-VBA.
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